
My Favorite Time of the Year

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kathy's Southern Potato Salad

Every Southern cook has their own version (and the one they swear by) of Southern Potato Salad. In my opinion Southern Potato Salad has to be yellow (mustard) potato salad. Don't get me wrong, I have a killer white potato salad, but nothing beats the good ole yummy in your tummy Southern Potato Salad. Now that isn't the only thing Southerners feel strong about regarding their potato salad. ONIONS! Do you or don't you? I DON"T. Now don't think I'm hating on the onion. I love onions. Just not in my Southern Potato Salad. See, I think good Southern Potato Salad tastes like a potato and a deviled egg got together and had a baby. My potato salad tastes a lot like deviled eggs. It is popular and I have spent many years coming up with what I think is the perfect taste. Now the problem came in that I had never ever measured anything in my potato salad when I made it. I just threw everything in and adjusted the flavor as needed because I knew what taste I was going for. So to create a recipe to put here was the task. Today is BBQ brisket sandwiches (a future post.) and we need potato salad and baked beans. So I measured everything as I made it. I think I did pretty good. The measurements might seem weird though because again I added till it had "That" taste. So here ya go.

Southern Potato Salad
5 lbs. potatoes peeled and cut up in bite size pieces. (You want your water you boil your potatoes in to be salted like pasta water. Ocean salty)
15 hard boiled eggs (trust me. I actually have been known to use 18! Shocking, I know.)
2 Cups Mayo (I only believe in Hellmans. DO NOT USE M-WHIP!! That should be outlawed.)
1/4 Cup + 1TBL. yellow mustard
1/4 Cup + 2TBL. sweet pickle relish
1 tsp. salt, plus more for the boiling water
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper

Peel, chop and boil potatoes till tender. Drain and place in bowl to cool (you want them cooled but slightly warm so they break up easily as you mix all your ingredients.) Remove eggs from shells and chop all the eggs and add to the potaotoes. Add the mayo, mustard, sweet pickle relish, 1 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp pepper. Mix everything well. I will be honest. I remove my rings and wash my hands and mix by hand. It is just the easiest way to blend it all and I can squish and break up the potaotes along the way.
Now the fun part. Taste for seasoning. I wipe as much off my hands as I can and then I go to the sink and lick all the yummy stuff off and then wash my hands. I know that is probably TMI. I just want you to know the whole thing is a great experience. Then call you taste tester in (in my case my husband John) and have them taste it for mayo/mustard ratio. Plus pickle relish. Usually if I need to do anything its add more salt , more relish or once in a while a little more mustard. But since I have measured this all out for you hopefully it will be pretty close to wonderful. 

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