
My Favorite Time of the Year

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cinnamon Dough Ornaments

Even though we aren't through Thanksgiving yet. I want to share this with you. I will be honest and tell you these aren't my pictures. I haven't made mine yet this year. It is on my agenda for this coming weekend. I want to show you these and tell you how much I love them. Not only do they smell wonderful and fill your house with wonderful spice smells, they have a very warm place in my heart. 
Many years ago I lived in Germany. I was there about 6 years. My time there was marked with beauty and culture. My time there was also marked by sadness of all kinds. One Christmas I got a box from my Mom. It was full of all these handmade ornaments. There were these dough/baked ornaments, pasta ornaments, and then these little gingerbread men shaped ornaments that smelled like heaven. I have never told my mother this but it was one of the most welcome things. I remember running my finger over them knowing her hands had touched them just a few weeks before. I was so homesick. I hung them all on my tree and held onto everything. Year after year they would break and fall apart. So year after year I would lose a little more of all the handmade ornaments my Mom had sent to me. When I finally got back state side it took over ten years before we (my Mom and I ) made more. We made them last year. It was so much fun. I didn't tell her what they really meant to my heart. To this day these smells bring back that moment I opened that box and smelled the scent of things my Mom's hands had touched. So here is the recipe and I hope you give them a try. They are wonderful. I'm going to hang them all over my house from clear string from the ceiling. Just in corners (so no one knocks into them with their heads.) My kids will come in and smell them and have wonderful warm fuzzies for a second. What more could I ask. 
In the past I have always used cookie cutters. This year I am going to try and find some stamps and make stamped ones like the very top picture. Wish me luck. I may look for the German cookie stamps. 
I know I don't have to tell you this but to be safe: THESE ARE NOT EDIBLE. They smell so good you may want to eat them, but don't.

Cinnamon Dough Ornaments
1 Cup Cinnamon
1/2 Tbl. ground cloves
1 Tbl. nutmeg
3/4 Cup applesauce
2 Tbl. Elmers white glue

other materials you will need:
Rolling Pin
Plastic wrap
Cookie cutters
Wire rack (for drying. or just leave them out on the plastic wrap and turn them over after the top has dried
bowl and spoon
Drinking straw (to poke hole for string to hang your ornaments)
Ribbon or string to hang your ornaments
paints (I like the little squeeze bottle paints you can get at craft stores, but acrylic paint and brushes are great too.) optional
glitter glue in squeeze bottles (if you want glitter on your ornaments) optional

cover work surface with plastic or a cheap shower curtain liner. 
1. Combine the cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg in bowl
2. Add applesauce and glue. Stir together
3. Work mixture with your hands for 2-3 minutes until dough is smooth and all ingredients are mixed.

To Make Ornaments:
1. Divide dough into thirds. Roll out each portion to 1/4 inch thickness (cover the dough your not using so that it doesn't dry out.)
2. Use cookie cutter to cut desired shapes in dough.
3. Use the end of a drinking straw to make a small hole in the top of each ornament.
4. Place ornaments on wire rack or wax paper to dry at room temp. for several days. (I think ours dried within a couple days.)
Hint: Each time you roll out a piece of dough, knead it first 4 or 5 times. This keeps it moist and prevents cracks.
5. Once the dough has dried you can decorate them as you want. Paint, glitter etc......

I wish you the happiest of Holidays.

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