
My Favorite Time of the Year

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Raw Honey Face Wash

You know sometimes something comes around and you just sit there baffled at your "ah ha" moment. We have been on a journey of eating better and improving our health since the holidays. I have also been researching natural skin care as well as cosmetics. Our skin is the largest organ that our body has and anything we put on it absorbs into it and into our blood stream. I thought to myself "What is the point of trying to not put junk into my body if I keep putting toxic junk on my body. Which goes straight to my blood stream and all my organs. Lets not get into the cellular damage done." So I am making changes. I have been down this road before and we use a lot of good earth friendly household cleansers etc...... I'm not totally there, but we are probably a good 80% green in our household as far as the products we use to clean go. So I have been playing around with my skin care.
Now anyone who knows me (Mom) know that I have spent TONS of money on good skin care. I don't mean good drug store skin care. I mean good Neiman Marcus skin care (think Cle de Peau, Kate Somerville Le Mer.....Need I say more). My skin is important to me and taking care of it has always been high on my priority list. One of my favorite things to use is a good vitamin C serum. My skin loves Vitamin C. Well I am now making my own and have saved myself  $80 a bottle and I get a better more active vitamin C without the high price. My skin is loving it. But that is not what this is about. As I have  been doing my research into DIY skin care I stumbled across information on washing your face with RAW honey. I was intrigued to say the least. Well let me tell you. I tried it. It is amazing, amazing, amazing. Did I tell you it is amazing? 
Here is how it goes:

Ok, let me say that I have not washed my face with honey with a full face of make up on. I have always removed my make up first and then washed my face as a routine anyway. So that is still the same. I remove my make up with coconut oil. The reading I have done says you can remove your make up with honey and remove you eye make up separately. DON'T USE THIS TO WASH YOUR EYES. Let me repeat, Keep the honey out of your eyes. Not for your eyes. Ok, now that we have that cleared up. I am going to try washing off my make up with this, but just haven't done it yet.
Of course this is not me in the pic (I wish. ha) You wet your face with a little warm water. I have done this on dry skin and it just worked better if my face and fingers were a little damp. Pour about 1 tsp. raw honey (it is important to get raw honey as any other kind has been processed and loses some of its natural properties. With that said I did read comments from women who couldnt find raw honey and still felt they had good results. I can't speak to that as mine is raw. I bought it at our local Whole Foods. It is raw and local honey. The best of both worlds.) on your fingers and massage it all over your face. Once your face is covered you can let it sit for a couple minutes ( 15 minutes is even better.) If you don't have the time then just rinse off. I let mine sit a couple minutes (or longer, depending on how quickly I need to be done) and then rinsed it off with warm water and a wash cloth. All I can say is "oh my goodness". My skin was soft, moist and bright. I am in love with this. Honey has anti-bacterial, microbial, anti-fungal, moisturizing properties in it. WHO KNEW? Duh, who'd da thunk it. Right. Of course when you do some research you see how old a practice this is. I was raised in a day and age that if its not in a bottle at the store with a huge price tag it can't be good. I'm learning.
So, since its food. I figured why not put it on my blog. I will add more DIY recipes as I find them and try them out.
Here is another thing you can do with honey.
Add a little baking soda to it and you have a great scrub. After rinsing take a cotton ball soaked with Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water and rub it on your face as a skin balancer (you need to use Braggs or a vinegar that has the live mother in it. This is important.) This will help bring the ph of your skin back into balance after having used the baking soda. Wonderful wonderful.
Well there you go. Hope you give it a try. I think its pretty wonderful.

I want to add that I have read that it is very good for acne. You put it on as a mask and leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

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